Kind Of Tattoo

Not only music, martial arts or painting, it turns out the tattoo itself was familiar with a wide range of flow. Kent Kent a tattoo artist from Bandung, said that the art of tattooing can be classified into 6 sections, namely:

1. Treebal, namely a variety of tattoo images are often created using blocks of color or black. Commonly used by many tribes Mauri.
2. Natural, can be seen from the drawings which form landscapes tattoo or face shape.
3. Oriental, the flow is widely used by the Yakuza gang in Japan, the picture can be a dragon, or a collection of koi fish.
4. Newschool, the picture tends to lead to a form of graffiti, anime or pictures on the wall.
5. Outschool, images made of ancient pictures, such as: boat, anchor or a symbol of love that knife wound.
6. Biomekanic, namely in the form of various strange images that had no use present, eg robots tattoo pictures.

Kent is already almost 14 years has seriously pursue the world of tattoo explained again that the portion that they do tattoo work combines aspects of medical and tattoo art. The comparison about 60% to medical and 40% for arts tattoo. So, is not thought that the art of tattooing was not pay attention to the medical aspects.

In fact, the tools that he used had to be completely hygienic and accidentally imported specially from other country. So, if you are a member of the group who do not have a terminal gang tattoo, Kent hunt prey. If necessary do not ask or anchor tattoo dragon, tattoo Sinchan just ask. Who knew bringing hokie for you

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